
Breakdown Maintenance
It refers to repairing equipment or machinery when it fails or breaks down unexpectedly.

Planned Maintenance
This involves regularly scheduled maintenance activities aimed at preventing breakdowns and ensuring the optimal performance of equipment. It includes tasks such as oil changes, lubrication, belt tightening and replacement, consumable replacements, setting adjustments, deep cleaning, electronics checks, diagnostics, etc.

Reactive Maintenance
This type of maintenance is performed when equipment or machinery fails, and repairs are done to restore functionality.

Preventive Maintenance
Preventive maintenance involves scheduling and performing maintenance tasks before parts or equipment fail. It is done at regular intervals to minimize the risk of breakdowns and extend the lifespan of the equipment.

Usage-Based Maintenance
In this approach, parts or equipment are replaced after a certain amount of usage to prevent failures based on predetermined thresholds or usage metrics.

Condition-Based Maintenance
Maintenance activities are performed based on the condition of the equipment, such as
monitoring specific parameters or performance indicators. Parts are replaced when they show signs of excessive wear or deterioration.

Predictive Maintenance
This approach utilizes historical data and advanced analytics techniques, such as artificial intelligence and machine learning, to predict when equipment failures are likely to occur. Parts are replaced proactively based on these predictions to minimize downtime and optimize maintenance efforts.

Prescriptive Maintenance
This advanced maintenance strategy goes beyond predicting failures and provides actionable recommendations for maintenance actions based on data analysis. It helps in choosing the most effective course of action to address potential failures, safety hazards, and quality issues, optimizing maintenance outcomes and timing of implementation.